Authenticity is one of the main themes of ascension. The more we become aware, the more we FEEL all that is distorted, the more we can make a higher choice. This choice comes from purity of the Soul. This choice releases the old constructs of the 3D matrix within. We are shown what is highest aligned by how we feel in our body. If it feels icky, pulling on you, or tight, it is coming from an old energy of fear. If it feels expansive, flowing, and kind, it is coming from an energy of love. Love is the new earth system and feeds the new Crystalline Web of creation. Fear brings us “back down” into timelines/vibrations of manipulation, control, power, victim consciousness, insecurity, and judgement. It is important that we be true to ourselves and this higher guidance of our body which has an intelligence and is guiding us through. The energy of 3D is loud and will continue to get louder. Therefore, authenticity on a Soul level (being authentic to our higher selves which is very different from the ego) is key to activating the flow of ease into our lives. Otherwise, we “go back” and "go small" again to the 3D ways, listening to our ego, stories, and belief systems, keeping us fastened to “hell.” We lose our empowerment, and when we give away our power, we are not coming from love. Empowerment is very different from the old “power” ways. Empowerment means choosing ourselves and what’s best for all on the highest level that we can See/Feel in that moment. It means not giving in to the old 3D ways no matter what. It means taking a stand and staying true to your word to yourself through action. It means communicating through love and compassion while still saying “no more.” This takes immense dedication and connection inside, tuning in and listening to your inner guidance. If you do come out of alignment, your universe will “show you” by slapping you upside the head through issues with health, job, life circumstances or relationships, until it gets your attention. You do have a conscious choice in each moment to be more authentic. The more you can See and Feel, the more choices you have, and the more authenticity can expand. Choosing love through authentic empowerment means choosing Heaven. 😇
Quantum Expansion Blog